21, Awokoya Street, Ijebu Ode, Ogun State

AZF Principal Officers

Omotayo Omo Owo

Our History

Briefly How Ar-Rahmah Zakaat Foundation Started

Ar-Rahmah Zakaat Foundation function picture.

AR-Rahman Zakaat Foundation, AZF, came into existence immediately after 1429 (2009) Ramadan fasting. This step, take to establish the foundation, came about as result of the disposition of some personalities, who realized that the institution of Zakaat was grossly underplayed in the life of the Muslim Ummah. It was their concern that many people, who were eligible to pay Zakaat, hardly know the modalities, benefits and implications.

It was also obvious that many people, out of religious zeal, attempt pay Zakaat, despite the fact that they are not qualified in the true sense of it, to pay Zakaat.

The foundation is, therefore, intended to enlighten the ummah on this salient aspect of Zakaat.

The application of Zakat is very paramount in our society today, where there is so much poverty, with only a few who can afford the basic things of life. This threatens peaceful co-existence in the larger society. Zakaat was institutionalized by Allah redress this imbalance, with the wealthy giving a bit to the downtrodden.

Ar-Rahman Zakaat Foundation is of the firm belief that Zakaat as an instrument can be used to reduced poverty level to the minimum in the society.

Within the short period of its existence, the foundation, which is fully registered with the Corporate Affair Commission and has an operation Bank Account, has established its Board of Trustees, with an organizational structure with running committees

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The Vision of AZF

To create opportunities for Muslim to live a meaningful life and develop their potential effective utilization of Zakaat.

The Mission of AZF

To facilitate effective collection, distribution and utilization of Zakaat funds for the development of Islamic causes, through the establishment of programs and projects that can promote sustainable development for Muslim Populace.

Our Aims & Objectives

  1. To set up institution of Zakaat as entrenched in the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W.);
  2. To co-ordinate the collection of Zakaat in a manner that will make the payment rawardable.
  3. To distribute Zakaat to identified beneficiaries as stated in the Quaran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W).
  4. To educate the Muslim populace on the veracity and ability of Zakaat in eradicating poverty among Muslim in particular and the public in general.
  5. To assist indigent Muslims, Muslims, especially students, widows, orphans refugees; pay hospital bills of poor Muslims, which treatment are financially demanding.
  6. To get involved in other projects that are in compliance with Zakaat principles.

Our Core- Value

These are 5 qualities of our staff (collectors/distributors/administrations)

  1. Knowledgeable And Self Confident
  2. Trustworthiness/ Piety and Humility
  3. Kindness/Subtleness and Truthfulness
  4. Contentment/ Commitment and good human relations
  5. Dynamism and Innovation

List of Subsidiary Committees of AZF

  1. Health Committee
  2. Economic Empowerment Committee
  3. Education Committee
  4. Dawah/ Advisory Committee
  5. Dawah Mobilization Committee
  6. Committee on Zakaat Calculate and Collection
  7. Committee on Zakaat Distribution and Assessments
At Ar-Rahmah Zakaat Foundation Event.
At One of Ar-Rahmah Zakaat Foundation Education Programmes .
One of Ar-Rahmah Zakaat Foundation Covid -19 Programme.
One of Ar-Rahmah Zakaat Foundation Empowerment Programme.

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