21, Awokoya Street, Ijebu Ode, Ogun State

Brief Concept of Zakaat

Ar-Rahmah Zakkat Foundation Covid 19 Food Distribution.
Ar-Rahmah Zakkat Foundation Covid 19 Food Distribution.

Zakaat is a compulsory tax, ordained by Allah, to be taken from the wealthy and distributed ton the needy. It is paid on money, farm produce and animals, as gold and silver. It is not only a compulsory tax but also form of charity.

Zakaat is one of the five pillars of Islam, which has direct impacts, not only on the relationship between man and Allah, the Creator, but also on the relationship between man and society. The payment of Zakaat can be used as a parameter of the obedience of man to Allah and to also share the wealth between the rich to the poor.

Thus, Zakaat is the right of the poor from the wealth of the rich; it is a means of spiritual purification and a way to regain balance and equilibrium between economic and social life.

Zakaat it an obligation of Muslim to give a specific amount of their wealth. With certain conditions and requirements, to beneficiaries as it was prescribed in the Qur’anic injunction and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (SAW). The concept of Zakaat exemplified Islam’s strong concern with social and economic justice. It serves as an equitable redistribution of wealth and income which is enforced as a moral obligation.

The Sunnah equally sees Zakaat, not only as one of the pillars of the super structure of Islam, but also as a clear proof of faith, expression of gratitude, elimination of miserliness and a test degree of love for Allah.

To crown it all, zakaat means to purify, to develop and cause to grow; but technically, it is an act of worship according to which every well-to-do Muslim who possesses equal to or exceeding a laid down minimum (Nisab), has to give away, at the prescribed rate, a portion of it to the deserving poor and the needy. It is usually an annual event and undebatable third pillar of Islam.

A Muslim must have some minimum amounts of money (Nisab) on which he has no debt, for at least one year, to be eligible for Zaakaat. As at today (2012), the amount is about five hundred and fifty thousand naira. however, the amount changes with the prevailing exchange rate of the naira, the basis for calculation being the prevailing price of 85gm of gold or 595gm of silver in the international markrt.

Zakaat is also paid on gold and silver by those who posses them, either as jewelry or in forms. The items must have prescribed minimum Weights for Zakaat to be paid on them. The minimum weights are 85gm for gold and 595gm for silver respectively.

For Livestock and farm produce, please contact the Foundation.

Zakaatable Items


  1. Money, Gold and Silver
  2. Articles of Trade
  3. Livestock
  4. Farm Produce

2. Charitable acts -Zakaat-ul-fitri

  1. Zakatul – Mal– Zakaat of wealth and money. It is levied only on Muslims whose wealth exceeds a threshold called Nisab. Before Zakaat is calculated, the basic needs of the payer and his family, as well as their financial obligations and debts, are taken into account. Further, the funds are held for one year by the lunar calendar, and Zakaat is calculated at the end.
  2. Zakaatul – Fitr – Zakaat of Muslim festive season celebration known as Eid-al-fitri It is the duty of Muslim to dedicate a certain amount of staple food or pay an equivalent monetary amount in the month of Ramadan before the Muslim festive celebration known as Eid-al-fitri. All Muslims, including the poor, as long as they still have food for the first day of Eid-al-fitri, must pay Zakaatul-fitr for themselves and their dependents.
Zakaat image

Categories Of Wealth Subjected To Zakaat

  1. Cash-gold and silver
  2. Articles of merchandise
  3. Agricultural produce and fruits- livestock
  4. Minerals and Treasures

Calculation of Zakaat

The calculation varies from one item to the other.

For money, the prescribed measure, right from the era of Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W.), is 2.5% or 1/4% of the money that is liable to Zakaat.

For gold, there must be a minimum weight of 85gm, while it is 595gm for silver.

AZF can get you Zakaat calculator, an easiest way to calculate your Zakaat.

When to Pay Zakaat

It can be paid anytime after a determined financial year.

Conditions Governing Payment Of Zakaat

It is essential that anyone paying Zakaat:

  • Must be a Muslim,
  • Must not be a slave,
  • Must be mature and sane, and
  • Must have control over the wealth.

It is also essential that:

  • The wealth must be Zakaatable,
  • Income must be Halal,
  • The item of wealth must be an excess, after satisfying the personal needs of the payer, and
  • Aduration of one year is used to calculate the Zakaat.
One of an Ar-Rahmah Zakaat Foundation Health Outreach Initiatives.

The Recipients of Zakaat

  1. The Pauper (Fuqarah) Those who have no wealth or income for their livelihood.
  2. The poor (Miskin) – Those who have income but their incomes are not sufficient for their needs.
  3. The Zakaat collectors and distributors (Amil)- They are entitled to certain amount of money as their salary or allowances.
  4. Those who embrace Islam (Muallaf) – Those who have just embraced Islam as their religion or those whose faith in Islam is weak.
  5. The slave (Riqob) – To deliver slaves trom slavery world, since slavery is against humanity.
  6. The debtors (Gharim)- Those who are trapped with their liabilities to fulfill basic need or Muslims who lose their properties or wealth.
  7. The promoter of Islam (Fi-sebilillah) -Those who work for Islam and fight in the cause of Allah.
  8. The wayfarers (lbnus-sabil) – Those who move from one place to another and are in need.

Zakaat Collectors and Distributors

  1. Government
  2. Non-Governmental Organizations
  3. Imams

They must be very knowledgeable in the field of Zakaat i.e money making and financial value.

Flow Chart Between The Payer and Recipient

AZF Flow chart Between The Payer & Zakaat Recipients.

Benefits of paying Zakaat

  1. It cleanses off ones sins.
  2. It purifies and increases one’s wealth.
  3. Broadcasting of Allah’s love to ones life.
  4. The poor and the needy will continue to pray for the giver from the relief he gives to them.
  5. The giver will be protected against disasters.
  6. The giver facilitate smooth spread of Islam.
  7. The giver shall receive divine assistance and mercy from Allah.
  8. The giver will be saved from hell fire.
  9. There is an assurance of entering PARADISE.
  10. Zakaat sanitizes the society from immoralities and vices when it is paid.
  11. It contributes to and enhances the socio-economic well being of the Society.
  12. The giver shall gain victory over his or her enemies.
  13. 14. God shall give the giver another blessing which he or she loves.
AZF activities image.

Consequences of Not Paying Zakaat

  • Punishment in this World includes, but is not limited to disasters, famine or drought, denial of rain, destruction of wealth (Tabrani, al- Hakim, al Bayhaqui and al-Bazzar).
  • Punishment in the Hereafter: The Messenger of Allah said; if someone is given wealth by Allah but does not pay his Zakaat, that wealth will appear to him on the day of judgement in the form of a huge, bald serpent with two horns, encircling him and squeezing him all day, then holding him by the lips and telling him. “Iam your wealth, your treasure which you hoarded.

AZF Initiatives & Action PLan on Zakaat Collection & Distribution

Read everything about Ar-Rahmah Zakaat Foundation programmes and activities here.